Wikitty provides the modules necessary to be used as a client/server based on Hessian.
a war application that, reading a configuration file, is capable of providing a service on any Wikitty storage type.
a Factory that returns a proxy on a distant service.
The server is available as a a web app (war) ready to be used. You can download it on this adress :
By default, this web app is based on the configuration file /etc/ (under Linux). This configuration file contains 3 configuration options specific to Hessian :
wikitty.hessian.usecache : add cache use
wikitty.hessian.usenotification : add notification use
wikitty.hessian.usesecurity : add security use
Then the configuration file contains the specific configuration of the storage to use.
Here is a configuration example:
# security wikitty.hessian.usesecurity=true wikitty.service.login=xxxx wikitty.service.password=zzzz # notification wikitty.hessian.usenotification=true wikitty.service.event.jgroupschannelname=myjgroupchannel wikitty.service.event.propagateEvent=false # cache wikitty.hessian.usecache=true wikitty.service.cache.listenevents=true # solr configuration
The application is then accessible on "/wikitty" uri following the deployment context. For example : http://localhost:8080/myapp/wikitty